Biblioteca do Café

Nitrogen metabolism in coffee plants subjected to water deficit and nitrate doses

Mostrar registro simples Rocha, Brunno César Pereira Martinez, Hermínia Emília Prieto Ribeiro, Cléberson Brito, Danielle Santos 2024-07-10T22:06:16Z 2024-07-10T22:06:16Z 2023-03-24
dc.identifier.citation ROCHA, B. C. P. et al. Nitrogen metabolism in coffee plants subjected to water deficit and nitrate doses. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Curitiba, v. 66, e23210060, 24 mar. 2023. pt_BR
dc.identifier.issn 1678-4324
dc.identifier.uri pt_BR
dc.description.abstract Nitrogen uptake is essential for coffee growth and development, resulting in important effects on the biomass and final crop yield. Thus, like most nutrients, nitrogen is absorbed by the roots using water as a mean of transport, so that water stress and nitrogen can directly and indirectly affect various physiological processes. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the nitrogen metabolism in young plants of four varieties of coffee trees (Coffea arabica L.) submitted to water deficit (WD) and nitrogen supply. We have done a triple factorial (2 x 4 x 4) experiment entirely randomized. The plots received combinations of high or low N doses (7mmol/L and 2.8 mmol/L NO3 -), four water potentials (0; -0.4; -0.8; and -1.6 Mpa), and four varieties (Mundo Novo IAC379-19, Acauã F6 of IBC - PR 82010, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44, and Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62). One hundred and forty days after the I of the experiment (140 days after the beginning of N stress and 82 days after the beginning of WD stress) the activity of the enzymes nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS), concentration of nitrate, free proline, amino acids (TAA), and total proteins were determined in samples of leaf and root tissues. There were differences between varieties independently of WD and N dose for leaf NR, being ‘Acauã’ the cultivar that presented the highest and ‘Catuaí Vermelho’ the lowest value to this trait. The WD promoted an increase on the proline concentration in the roots. With low N dose, the activity of GS presented linear increases in response to WD. It was concluded that in young coffee plants under WD, proline can be involved in the osmotic adjustment, having its synthesis in the roots increased. Under WD, plants with good nitrogen nutrition presented larger leaf concentration of soluble amino acids and total soluble proteins. The varieties studied do not present differentiated responses to WD. pt_BR
dc.format pdf pt_BR
dc.language.iso en pt_BR
dc.publisher Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar pt_BR
dc.relation.ispartofseries Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology;v.66, e23210060, 2023;
dc.rights Open Access pt_BR
dc.subject Coffea arabica L pt_BR
dc.subject Glutamine synthetas pt_BR
dc.subject Nitrate reductase pt_BR
dc.subject Polyethylene glycol pt_BR
dc.subject Proline pt_BR
dc.subject.classification Cafeicultura::Solos e nutrição do cafeeiro pt_BR
dc.title Nitrogen metabolism in coffee plants subjected to water deficit and nitrate doses pt_BR
dc.type Artigo pt_BR

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